Sonntag, 20. April 2008

175 Jahre blogt Uni Zürich

Die Uni Zürich blogt fleißig zum 175.

Motto des Jubiläums: Wissen teilen.

hard blogging scientists gesucht!

I am a hard bloggin’ scientist. This means in particular:
1. I believe that science is about freedom of speech. 2. I can identify myself with the science I do. 3. I am able to communicate my thoughts and ideas to the public. 4. I use a blog as a research tool. That means in particular, that I - express my thoughts, - get in contact with others, - have a sketch of my process online, - get feedback and new ideas from others. 5. I trust myself. 6. I surf a lot and I read a lot. 7. I blog once in a day/week/month. 8. I give comments once in a day/week/month on other blogs. 9. I am self-aware and critical. 10. I refer to the people who done the work first. 11. I give love and respect to the people.

sehr sympathisch! ich bin keiner. :-)



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Hier schreibt Jens Bemme über Fundraising und Marketing - für Forscher und Studenten.

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